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University Library Zurich

How to Order: Researchers, Lectures, UZH Employees


Log in to swisscovery with your SWITCH-edu-ID to see all your order options.

Important: Use your UZH or your university hospital e-mail address (Balgrist, Kispi, PUK, USZ) as primary e-mail address in your user account. This is the only way we can guarantee that the fees are charged correctly.

Collection on Site

  • To order a book from the UB or ZB holdings for pickup, select "Borrow" and the desired pickup location from the drop-down list.
  • For items from UB or ZB, located in the Speicherbibliothek in Büron, the following pickup locations can be selected: ZB Zurich, UB German Studies & Nordic Language & Literature, UB Philosophy or UB Psychology.


UB-ZB Courier: free of charge

Orders from Speicherbibliothek: free of charge


Abholung vor Ort


Nationwide SLSP Courier or Mail Order

  • Books and items that are not available at the UB and Zentralbibliothek can be ordered via SLSP Courier. In this case, select the pick-up location ZB Zürich.
  • If you would like to receive a book by mail, select Deliver to home address.


SLSP Courier (nationwide): CHF 6.- per item
Mail order: CHF 12.- per item


weitere bestelloptionen


Copies of Articles & Scans from UB and ZB

For copy or scan orders from UB/ZB holdings, use the the "Digitization" button in the "Pick up on site" area.

(Orders up to 50 pages are free of charge for UZH researchers, lecturers, employees)


digitalisierung ubzb studierende


Digitizations from other Libraries (incl. Speicherbibliothek)

Digitizations from other libraries can be ordered via 


Request form for (digital) copies

(Orders up to CHF 50.- free of charge for UZH members)

Orders via Interlibrary Loan

Books and items that cannot be ordered via swisscovery are provided by the joint interlibrary loan service of the University Library Zurich and the Zentralbibliothek Zürich. Here you find the fees​​​​​​​


Bestellformular für Bücher und andere ausleihbare Medien (German only)


Loan period may vary

The loan period is determined by the owning library and may vary depending on the origin of the ordered document.

Here you can find the loan periods at UB 


Create a Research Collection

If you need documents beyond the normal loan period, you can create a research collection as a UZH employee. The term is 2 semesters. If the project is not completed after that, the term can be extended.


  • only documents from the UB location of your own subject
  • only borrowable documents
  • Number of documents: Minimum 10, maximum 100
  • term: 2 semesters
  • Staff members may have several research portfolios
  • If other users wish to view documents from a research collection, these documents must be made available for a limited time. We will contact you in this case.
  • In the bibliography we need the following information: Author, title, year of publication, signature, or links or citations from swisscovery



Application Form for a Research Collection (RC)


* Mandatory field

Details about the RC
Bibliography (10-100 titels, preferably links or citations from swisscovery)
Personal details

As soon as the documents are ready for collection, the UZH employee will be notified. With their signature, they confirm that the conditions mentioned above will be observed.

Create an Institutional Account

As a professor, do you often organize your literature needs with the support of your
assistants? In order for assistants to order books on your behalf, we recommend the following procedure:

1) Create an institutional account. You will receive a registration confirmation from SLSP.
Note: Under Organization Type, select the option "NPO: Non-profit Organization".

2) Contact the University Library ( to activate the institutional account.

The advantages of institutional accounts are:

  • They are suitable for swisscovery orders for pickup or delivery via UB-ZB courier
  • Up to 3 library cards can be issued
  • Any fees will be charged to the registered address

Separate Order Form for Copies/Digitized Copies

Copy/scan orders still have to be ordered with personal SWITCH-edu-ID accounts in order to benefit from special conditions for UZH members (see above):