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University Library Zurich


1. If a publication has authors at different institutes, how can more than one entry be prevented?

In the concrete case:

For such publications, it is advantageous to first log in to ZORA and then use Advanced Search to search whether the publication is already included in ZORA.

  • If it is listed, check all the information. Is an institute/clinic/center missing from Communities and Collections, or is something else incomplete? With the link 'Suggest update or corrections' for this entry (bottom left of each ZORA publication) you can send change requests to the ZORA editors. This requires a login beforehand.
  •  When importing via PubMed ID or DOI, ZORA automatically performs a duplicate check. If a publication has already been entered, it cannot be imported a second time and a message appears. In this  message, submitters can send an autmated request that their Community&Collection hould be added.
  • If it is not found, it can be submitted to ZORA and all participating institutes/clinics/centers of the University of Zurich should be listed under "Communities & Collections".

ZORA performs a duplicate check on the title of the paper (Title field). This requires that the title is entered manually (e.g. copy-paste), or that the last word in the title is temporarily changed. If the same title is in ZORA, the ZORA publication in question will be displayed.

In general:

It helps if researchers at the University of Zurich continuously enter their publications in ZORA as soon as they are published by the publishers, not at the end of the year. This way, the ZORA editors can continuously edit the publications and they become searchable with the Advanced Search. In case of publications with authors at different institutes, you can agree with these institutes who will enter the publication in ZORA. It is important that all institutes/clinics/centers concerned are indicated under Communities & Collections.

2. How does the ZORA editorial team deal with duplicates?

Duplicates usually occur when multiple submitters submit a publication with multiple authors to ZORA. The ZORA editorial office checks all submitted papers for duplicates, using the duplicate detection in the title (Title field). To do this, it temporarily changes the last and first half of the title, thus activating the duplicate detection. In case of a duplicate, the ZORA editorial office transfers all additional information to the ZORA original, deletes the duplicate and sends an e-mail to the submitter.

3. Conference paper / poster session: What do you do with a contribution (article) that was presented both as a paper in Helsinki and as a poster in a conference? Does this result in two entries in ZORA?

No, this results in only one entry in ZORA: Paper in Helsinki. Under Additional Information one can note that the same conference paper was also distributed as a poster in Zurich (with details).

4. A publication is published with the same title and the same authors in two different journals, or once as a journal article/monograph and once as a dissertation. What to do?

In both cases, both publications are included in ZORA because they were published differently and are therefore two different citable entities.

5.A publication is listed in ZORA as a "Scientific Publication in Electronic Form" or as a "Working Paper" and will be published in a journal (or book) at a later date. Does this result in a second ZORA entry?

Yes, both are different publication types and therefore get their own entry in ZORA. Under Additional information or Linked URLs, a link can be set to the associated ZORA entry.