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University Library Zurich

UB courses spring semester 24

Clever handling of information is the be-all and end-all at university. At our events, you will receive practical input on how to research, use and manage information efficiently in your studies and research.

The University Library Zurich offers students and researchers at UZH a wide range of courses on the academic use of information and Open Science.

The most important series of events at a glance

Coffee Lectures Teaser


In short online meetings, students and researchers receive useful tips on literature searches, knowledge management and self-organization at the university. (mostly in german) 



Every month, experts offer UZH researchers a brief insight into various aspects of Open Science. (mostly in english)




We offer various interdisciplinary courses on academic work and publishing for UZH students, doctoral students and researchers. (mostly in english)



We regularly organize gaming events at various UB locations: sometimes board games, sometimes digital, sometimes party games. For all game lovers.

Weitere und fachspezifische Veranstaltungen finden Sie laufend in der UB Agenda
